Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Need to post more!

I need to post more... or write in a journal... to track my progress. As in the weights I use for certain lifts. Tracking my weight loss will probably be last to track. Maybe a few months down the road. I find it that it discourages me a lot more and I very rarely enjoy my workouts. If I don't enjoy my workouts, I know I won't push myself hard enough to really benefit from it.

Anyway, I've been in about twice a week... I know, I should be going in at least one day more... but at last I'm going! I haven't really tracked my weights, which I probably should! It's very gradual though because of my knee and foot problems. Maybe some excuses... but mostly not. Don't want to injure myself!

Anyway, on Wed, we started with:
5 round of:
10 dumbbell push press 20 lbs each
10 ring rows
10 Russian kb twist 12 lbs

I think I could have gone with the 15 lbs on the Russian twist. I'll try to keep a note on that. I'm definitely going to add 5 lbs more next time on the dumbbell shoulder presses.

5 rounds of:
10 Russian kb swings (umm... the "used to be white" one... I think it's 25 lbs)
10 push ups
10 wall slides

Wall slides already suck as it is... add a tight shoulder and they suck even more!!! Such a simple move, but it sucks like Hell.

The workout itself was 400 meter prowler pulls, no intervals, no rest. First time I have ever done those! I thought at first "well pushing is a Hell of a lot harder than pulling.. so this should be easier than the pushes" I already knew it was going to suck... I just didn't imagine it sucking more than I thought it would! I didn't even have any weights on that thing!!! I'm probably going to be sore tomorrow though... mostly my arms... I can already feel them tightening up!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Finally not sick!

So apparently, we all had the cold! Yeah, I knew I was coming down with something! I'm surprised it took this long to get me sick! Oh well, at least I got to stay home and get better!

Tonight, I had to fight myself to go in! Since the clock struck 3, I was debating in wether or not to go. Once on the road I was still debating! I do hate being gone for awhile! So as I was coming up to my exit, I finally decided I'm going in!!!

I'm glad I did too! I felt a lot better being there.... of course AFTER the warm-up.... haha!!! Did some cleans and some snatch grip dead lift. Finally getting better at the cleans... but I think next time I'll see if I can be video taped just do that I can see what I need to improve on. 

Then on to the workout!!! Freaking brutal!! Well, actually not too bad except for when my knee started hurting during the dead lift part. So instead of full range, I did about 3/4 range to help ease the pain. It was 5 rounds of 25 jump rope(heavy), 20 sumo dead lifts, 15 kb swings, 10 weighted sit ups(10 lbs), 5 back extensions... Went in hard and finished hard... so round 1 and 5 I pushed hard. Haha, I think I do that with every workout! If only I can stay consistent throughout the whole workout!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

2 week hiatus

I haven't been in, in two weeks. Mostly excuses... but also trying to help Greg get situated with his classes this semester... it was a headache to stay the least!

Anyway, went in to the gym today.  I was going to go in on Monday, but unfortunately I had one Hell of a headache I could not kick! I was planning to go to the 4 pm class, but I completely slept through it and still woke up with a headache... yeah... suck! Today I wasn't feeling it at all. I was falling asleep at work and I had busy today. I never feel that tired when I'm that busy. Got to the gym, barely talked to anyone... just wasn't in the talking mood like usual... I looked on the board and saw burpees! Oh dear God... burpees!!! I knew it was because u haven't been in in awhile. I was telling my friend earlier "with my luck, there's burpees today!" Yup... it was taunting me as I was doing my warm-up and strength... then torturing me during the workout.

But!!! As I was dying and ready to just give up, here comes one of the coaches to help give me that push to finish.  As I'm going through the workout, I hear my capitol friends cheering me on, encouraging me to keep pushing and finish the wod. It was brutal... but I finished!

Then I feel like crap... damn it, I think I'm coming down with a cold.

During strength, we did push presses.  I grabbed the women's bar and wanted to add more weight. Funny thing though, I thought I grabbed the 5 lbs weights to add 10 lbs... when actually I grabbed the 10 lbs weight!! And I was doing just fine. So when I wanted to add more, I checked the weights, which I think I should have not.

All in all, a good night. Let's just hope that I don't come down with a child

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Back at it again

So I haven't been in the gym for about a month and a half.... mostly excuses. And 2 weeks of it I was on vacation.  I'm not quite at the point where working out its part of my vacation plans. Haha!  I came back last week on Thursday and Friday. Both were somewhat easy days... as in, I want too terribly sore... I just couldn't straighten my arms... haha!!! Anyway, I realized how being gone for a month and a half changes you... physically for the worst. Not only that, but you lose that momentum of drive, dedication and determination! But the best thing I did was get back on that horse. And honestly, if it wasn't for one of the bad ass chicks, that I look up to at my gym, telling me she misses my face, I probably would have had a harder time coming back.  That right there is why I love my gym!
I did come in yesterday and Thursday! . I was planning on Monday too, but I had my work cut out for me... about "9 loads of laundry" work... felt more like 100 loads! Thursday seemed like a "piece of cake" (as the coach likes to say with a somewhat evil laugh...) compared to yesterday! But, like he said, gotta earn your weekends! Worked on some power cleans... Then some front and back squats. The other thing I love about this gym is how they really help you work on your form! It sucks fir me right now, but I can't wait to feel more confident with my lifts. Especially those damn overhead squats... Then the real brutal work happened! Of course after some much needed rest with jello feeling legs after those squats.

5 rounds:
20 Heavy jump rope
10 burpees
100 meters - 25lbs each farmers carry
100 meters 15 lbs each waiters carry

At first is seemed like I was feeling a little pinch pain in the knees. So I thought if I start slowly, it might go away, which thankfully it did! As soon as I started the jump rope, my legs wanted to collapse so bad! So I gathered myself together, remind myself that my legs can handle it and pushed on. The first round, I just kept thinking to myself "where is that girl with the drive, determination, motivation and will to keep pushing? The girl who wanted something so bad that she did everything she could to try to get there?" Then I realized I just gotta wake her up from her 3 year slumber. By second round, I pushed, and pushed hard to finish the workout. I started singing Marine Corps cadence during the walks. I started remembering how I was before. And that girl was waking up. When that girl was waking up, By the 3rd, 4th, and 5th round, I had shorter rests and I pushed harder to finish this grueling without.  By the end of the workout, I was sad and content...  Sad because of how I let that girl go, yet content because she wasn't that hard to find.  Now I just gotta try and keep her and never let her go!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Getting it done

So I only went once last week. Didn't go on Monday, but I did go today. Seems like scheduling between hubby and the kid always ends up kind of stressful. So I think we agreed on a schedule for me too go to the gym Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays. At least hubby won't have to rush to get out of the store too pick Wyatt up in time.

Anyway, I did prowlers for the first time today! At first it wasn't bad... then after 25m... it freaking sucked! And I still had 175m to go! I'm getting better at my power cleans. I wonder if the bar is too light. I think I did 63 lbs today (8x3 reps). Then 75 lbs on front squats.

Then for the conditioning, it was a choice between box jumps, kb swings, squats or prowlers. Honestly, I didn't know what I was getting myself into when I said I'll try the prowlers. I think I'm really going to feel it tomorrow in my legs and arms!


So I haven't gone in, in 2 weeks. I did do the Raise The Bar for breast cancer awareness last Saturday. But I dint really count that as it was only a 3 minute without. But it was awesome!

Anyway, I haven't been in because of excuses. Been busy, the hubby and my schedule seemed to be off, etc. So yeah, probably excuses. But I'll be in tomorrow... Hopefully... I'll be in this week for sure.

I have been getting compliments lately though! It's only been a month since I started and people are starting to see a difference. I've noticed that my clothes are feeling a lot looser lately too. I wonder where I'll be at in 6 months.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Ugh, burpees!

Last week seemed like burpees week! Or well, the two days that I went, we did burpees. I hate them! I don't even know if I'll ever like them!

Anyway, slowly but surely I'm getting used to overhead squats. I'm always afraid I'll drop the bar on my head. I'm stuck on 45 lbs right now. Like usual.. but maybe next go around I may add another 10 lbs?

I haven't gone in to the gym at all this week. I know, horrible me! But I'm going in tomorrow, Saturday, because it is an event to help raise the awareness of breast cancer. So I'll be suffering 3 grueling minutes of 45 lbs thrusters. It'll be worth it. I'll even have my hair in pony tails with pink tied around them. One representing my mom, the other representing my best friends mom. I'm going to push as hard as I can to get as many reps as possible in that 3 minutes. Wish me luck!